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X to OpenCTM Converter

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CTM Ship

The OpenCTM file format for compressed triangle meshes looks very promising. To celebrate my gigasecond birthday, I wrote a .x to .ctm converter that exports positions and normals. It currently discards texture coordinates, but it shouldn’t be hard to extend it. I can’t guarantee that this tool is super robust, but it worked well enough for the test cases that I ran across.

I simply used ID3DXMesh to load in the .x file and the OpenCTM API to write out the .ctm file. Unfortunately, the usage of ID3DXMesh makes this tool Windows-only.

It’s a command line tool that works like this:

Usage: x2ctm [sourcefile] [sourcefile] ...

To form a destination filename, it simply replaces the existing file extension with .ctm and preserves the folder path.

At a high level, here’s how it works: (if you want, skip to the downloads section)

void ExportCTM(ID3DXMesh* pMesh, const char* destFile)
    // 1. Find where the positions, normals, and texture coordinates live.
    // 2. Check that we support the format of the data.
    // 3. Obtain vertex & index counts from the D3D mesh; allocate memory for the CTM mesh.
    // 4. Lock down the verts and pluck out the positions and normals.
    // 5. Lock down the indices and convert them to unsigned 32-bit integers.
    // 6. Instance the OpenCTM mesh and save it to disk.
    // 7. Free the OpenCTM buffers.

Here’s the actual code for the above summary:

void ExportCTM(ID3DXMesh* pMesh, const char* destFile)
    // Find where the positions, normals, and texture coordinates live.

    const WORD MISSING_ATTRIBUTE = 0xffff;
    WORD positionsOffset = MISSING_ATTRIBUTE;
    WORD normalsOffset = MISSING_ATTRIBUTE;
    WORD texCoordsOffset = MISSING_ATTRIBUTE;

    D3DVERTEXELEMENT9* pVertexLayout = &vertexLayout[0];
    for (int attrib = 0;  attrib < MAX_FVF_DECL_SIZE; ++attrib, pVertexLayout++)
        if (0 == memcmp(&vertexLayout[attrib], &endMarker, sizeof(endMarker)))
        if (pVertexLayout->Stream != 0)
        if (pVertexLayout->Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_POSITION &&
            pVertexLayout->Type == D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3)
            cout << "Contains positions." << endl;
            positionsOffset = pVertexLayout->Offset;
        if (pVertexLayout->Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_NORMAL &&
            pVertexLayout->Type == D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3)
            cout << "Contains normals." << endl;
            normalsOffset = pVertexLayout->Offset;
        if (pVertexLayout->Usage == D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD &&
            pVertexLayout->Type == D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2)
            cout << "Contains texture coordinates." << endl;
            texCoordsOffset = pVertexLayout->Offset;

    // Check that we support the format of the data.

    if (positionsOffset == MISSING_ATTRIBUTE)
        cerr << "Unsupported Vertex Declaration in " << destFile << endl;

    // Obtain vertex & index counts from the D3D mesh; allocate memory for the CTM mesh.
    DWORD dwVertexCount = pMesh->GetNumVertices();
    DWORD dwTriangleCount = pMesh->GetNumFaces();
    DWORD dwIndexCount = dwTriangleCount * 3;
    CTMfloat* pCtmVertices = new CTMfloat[3* dwVertexCount];
    CTMuint* pCtmIndices = new CTMuint[dwIndexCount];
    CTMfloat* pCtmNormals = (normalsOffset == 0xffff) ? 0 : new CTMfloat[3 * dwVertexCount];

    // Lock down the verts and pluck out the positions and normals.
        void* pData = 0;
        pMesh->LockVertexBuffer(D3DLOCK_READONLY , &pData);

        if (positionsOffset != MISSING_ATTRIBUTE)
            unsigned char* pSource = ((unsigned char*) pData) + positionsOffset;
            unsigned char* pDest = (unsigned char* ) pCtmVertices;
            DWORD dwSourceStride = pMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex();
            DWORD dwDestStride = sizeof(CTMfloat) * 3;
            for (DWORD dwVertex = 0; dwVertex < dwVertexCount; ++dwVertex)
                memcpy(pDest, pSource, dwDestStride);
                pSource += dwSourceStride;
                pDest += dwDestStride;

        if (normalsOffset != MISSING_ATTRIBUTE)
            unsigned char* pSource = ((unsigned char*) pData) + normalsOffset;
            unsigned char* pDest = (unsigned char* ) pCtmNormals;
            DWORD dwSourceStride = pMesh->GetNumBytesPerVertex();
            DWORD dwDestStride = sizeof(CTMfloat) * 3;
            for (DWORD dwVertex = 0; dwVertex < dwVertexCount; ++dwVertex)
                memcpy(pDest, pSource, dwDestStride);
                pSource += dwSourceStride;
                pDest += dwDestStride;


    // Lock down the indices and convert them to unsigned 32-bit integers.
        void* pData = 0;
        pMesh->LockIndexBuffer(D3DLOCK_READONLY , &pData);

        DWORD dwOptions = pMesh->GetOptions();
        DWORD dwSourceStride = (dwOptions & D3DXMESH_32BIT) ? 4 : 2;

        unsigned char* pSource = (unsigned char*) pData;
        unsigned char* pDest = (unsigned char*) pCtmIndices;
        DWORD dwDestStride = sizeof(CTMuint);
        for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwIndexCount; ++dwIndex)
            memset(pDest, 0, dwDestStride);
            memcpy(pDest, pSource, dwSourceStride);
            pSource += dwSourceStride;
            pDest += dwDestStride;


    // Instance the OpenCTM mesh and save it to disk.
    CTMcontext context = ctmNewContext(CTM_EXPORT);
    ctmSave(context, destFile);

    // Free the OpenCTM buffers.
    delete [] pCtmVertices;
    delete [] pCtmIndices;
    delete [] pCtmNormals;


I wrote this tool with Visual Studio 2010. The code is covered by the WTFPL license.

Written by Philip Rideout

May 9th, 2010 at 6:43 pm

Posted in DirectX

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